- AsEstilo presents its fashion advices based on products produced or provided by third party companies.

- We do not guarantee that the products we introduce to you will fit you the way they fit the models wearing them or will cause the exact effects as detailed in the description of the item. Should you have claims or questions about specific issues of the products, you must direct them to the product maker and/or dealer. Find their contact information inside that company’s website.

- AsEstilo is ready to answer your questions about our advices and suggestions only.

- At this point, AsEstilo is NOT directly selling products at our website and we are not submitting or shipping products to or from any country. Therefore we DO NOT request at NO point during your visit throughout the website, your Credit Card information, any form of payment method, telephone number, cell phone number, fax number or your physical address.

- Your e-mail address is mandatory for the purpose of answering your questions, replying to the e-form you fill in under “Find Your Style” and to submit newsletters to you. If you would like to unsubscribe from our mailing list, simply e-mail us with a one line message like this: UNSUBSCRIBE + Your E-mail (the one you provided when submitting your e-form “Find Your Style”).

- If you decide to purchase an item, you will have to access the website of the seller company by clicking on the images and/or links provided in the AsEstilo Store website. You will be redirected to a third party company website from where you can acquire the item/s according to that company’s terms of service. Your business with that company will not include AsEstilo Store at no point. Your payment will be performed in the third party’s website, using that company’s system and terms of condition. Claims about the payment and products and services acquired from third party companies must be addressed directly to them and NOT to AsEstilo Store.

- Should you have questions about the Terms of Service, please e-mail to us.

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