Find my Fashion Style

Why is it that you - a 21st century man/woman - are feeling uncomfortable with your personal image, you don't know what to wear and you are unsure about your hair style and make-up (for women)? It is simply because nobody has ever introduced you to your very own real-true style.

Hi, I'm Sonia, and I'll accompany you to find your style and develop your Personal Image.

Let me start by saying that you are NOT the problem and neither are your likes.

The only thing you are missing is information and knowledge... that's it! And that is exactly what I will give you so you can make your own fashion and style decisions on your external look.

Once you do it, your eyes will see new doors of success being opened in your social life.

This is not about doing what I want or what I like.

This is about finding your own style with my assistance. Here the only person who matters, is YOU!

- Should I dress like my favorite actor/actress, like a pop-rock singer, like my sports hero, the way my partner likes, the way my friends like... or even like mom and dad say?

Although some of them present interesting concepts that might help you, they should NOT define your style by no means. You have your own!

The style within you must be the only one you wear and enjoy, otherwise you will always look out of place, fashion senseless and uncomfortable... to name a few.

Once you find your style, you accept it and learn its benefits for your advantage, you will find style freedom.

- But Sonia... I don't have a style at all, I know that for a fact!

I'm sorry but I disagree with you. I believe we all have a style within us. I know you have it, otherwise you wouldn't be searching for it. We only search for things we know exist, otherwise we wouldn't bother; does that make sense to you?

History reveals that mankind has always had this search and find desire since ancient days. The Bible states in Luke 11:9...
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you".

There are probably three categories of people around the finding fashion style subject.

a. Those who are naturally aware of it and are already enjoying the benefits of living with their personal fashion style;
b. Those who are not aware of it, or don't care; and...
c. Those who are recently aware of it and do care;

Congratulations, you are among the increasingly growing group #3 who says "I need to find my fashion style!".

- So how do I find my fashion style?

You will find it with my assistance.

In order to assist you, I have to ask you questions that will help me define your fashion profile.

Currently I offer you two options:

1. Public: The service is free, no cost to you. Fill in the online form "Find your Style", and I will respond with the results here in and a reference in my social media, that is, in a public way. However, your email and social media accounts will NOT be published.

2. Private: The service is paid, the cost is USD 30.00 and exclusive for you. We will keep a private correspondence while the counseling lasts. No one will know about your contact or your results.

Once I fully analize your answers, I will get back to you within 7 working days with an e-mail report that will include:

* What is your fashion style among five categories,
* Objective information about your fashion profile,
* Images of hair styles, make-up (for women), clothing, shoes and accessories that will help you create the look for your style,
* How to use your style for your benefit, and
* What fashion styles you should totally avoid.

Remember, this report will only be based on the information that you will give me. The results that you will get will NOT be my personal likes; but rather products, tips and recommendations that will help you project the real-true style that lives within you.

- Sonia, what are the payment methods?

The cost of my service is USD 30.00:

1. I will provide you with the available payment methods so that you can choose the one that best suits you.
You just have to send me an Email to with 1 line that says:
"Hi, Sonia, please send me your payment methods, thanks!"

2. Then you will complete the Find Your Style online form.

3. Upon receiving your form, I will analyze your information and I will respond within 7 business days, with a report to your Email. In this step, you are free to ask me the deepest and most detailed questions you want to ask about your style, as many times as you want, for a period of 30 days.

If you have any question I could not anticipate in this page, please do not hesitate to e-mail me today.

Lastly, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you find your fashion style.



    1. Hi, thanks for your inquiry but no, unfortunately we can not assure you that any of those colors will be available. Nevertheless, we'll keep an eye on them and if they are back in stock we'll let you know.
      Thanks again!

  2. hello looking for a pair of men's two tone black and white saddle oxfords in size 11.
    can't find any. Thanks bert

    1. Hello Bert! Here you have the link to find what you are looking for :) regards!
      black and white saddle oxfords:

    2. Sorry: Copy and paste



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