How to Look Better

Celebrating God’s beauty through fashion and style

Feeling ugly usually goes hand in hand with conversations or situations that we live in our environment where people, magazines and television; that surround us have imposed parameters of beauty that are often unattainable. Often, they make us think how to look better?

For some people beauty is having a perfect body and face like the images we see on social media. Or simply what people say is beautiful ...


But, we must recognize that beauty is subjective. What does this mean? Is based on the perception, assessment and interpretation that a person can make. What for me is beautiful, for another person can be ugly.

Here I give you three steps that will allow you to begin your change, from having destructive thoughts to become the beautiful woman you are.


Step 1- Build your own beauty

Start by taking out all the bad feelings, hurts, bitterness and forgive all the offensive comments they made to you. Ask God to enter the deepest parts of your heart and heal you completely.

We get ugly when we are full of wounds that haven't healed. Take out everything that does not work.

To build beauty, I must begin to heal my heart, because the joyful heart is the one that makes the face beautiful. Proverbs. 15:13


Step 2- Lift the foundations of beauty
Matthew 7: 24-29

This passage tells us that a prudent person builds his house on the rock so that when the wind, rain or storm comes and hit the house, it does not fall because it stands on the rock.

In the same way we must build our life, on Christ, the Rock. So that when the problems come, the words of discouragement or an illness hit your life, you stad firm because you are on the rock that is Jesus Christ!

Start spending time with God, pray, read the word. Invest time with Him to make your face shine like it did Moses. May you leave his presence full, complete, blessed and in victory. With answers for your problems, with solutions for your questions and with a heart full of joy for having been with Him. Grounded in the rock! Once you took care of the most important thing, you have to take the third step ...


Step 3 - Decorate your Image
Show with it the beauty of God!

A- Hygiene

A clean and neat skin always looks better.
Take a shower, wash your hair and let your skin receive enough water to get rid of all the dead cells that make the skin look dull and full of imperfections.

B- Hairstyle

Taking care of your hair and making it look good requires effort.
Most of the time, we only look good at the weekends when we spend a few hours in the hairdresser, but in the rest of the week we do not want to spend any more time styling our hair!
Yes, it is easier to make simple bun or have your hair in a ponytail. But in order to feel good about yourself, you have to put some effort everyday, a good haircut will be your best ally!

C- Makeup

You will immadiately look better with a natural makeup.
A perfect compliment during the day, because it gives light and color to your face.

At night, I reccomend using darker colors for the eyes or lips, to delineate them. But it always depends on your taste ;)

D- Clothing, Accessories and Footwear

Fashion changes every 6 months but you should not rely on everything trend brings.
The important thing is to discover your style and your body type. Because they will truly enhance your beauty and you will not have to depend on having everything trendy to look good.

If your budget is very small or none, you need to make a basic wardrobe with a few items that I detail below.

Once you build your wardrobe with the basics, you can assemble a variety of outfits and complement them with accessories, that are often cheap.

From these garments you can assemble your outfits by adding necklaces, or colorful shoes.

Here I leave an example...

A black T-shirt with black pants complemented with a silver necklace, red shoes and a black and white handbag.


As a finishing touch, you have to focus on knowing what your purpose is in this life. For this you must ask the God your Creator who knows everything and once you have the answer...

- Work on what you are passionate about,

- Prepare yourself, study and become an expert in your area. Seek excellence in everything you do.

- Pray and ask the Lord for an excellent job and he will order your steps.

Follow these steps and you will find peace and joy in every step of your life!

Do not forget to leave me your comments :) They are very valuable to me!



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If you still can not find the style to improve your look,
if there is no fashion that can lift your self esteem;
then changing your image is not enough...
you need a change in your soul.

Enter here and get that change today!

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