Looking good or obsessing about looking perfect?

Celebrating God’s beauty through fashion and style

Looking good is about finding satisfaction and peace with our body. However, looking perfect is the constant disagreement in relation to our physique and the need to look for ways to change our discontent.

It's not always easy to find the feeling of well-being and personal satisfaction, but here are some tips that will help you in the process of accepting yourself while we also take care of our image and enhance our beauty.


1- Makeup
This is an accessible tool that can erase or hide some imperfections. As also enhance your features.

Source: Pinterest


2- When you look at the mirror...

Find the parts of your body with which you are not satisfied. Find a way to improve with the clothes you wear. Dark colors thin and light ones enlarge the figure. Therefore, use the dark ones in the largest areas of your body and the light ones in the smallest areas.

Source: Pinterest


3-Personal hygiene

These are some basics you should not ever miss:
- Wash your hair every time it begins to look dirty (having a ponytail does not hide the fact that it is dirty, sadly).
- Brush your teeth after each meal
- Take care of your nails, your hands are your cover letter.




An obsession to look perfect. It is very important to understand that God is the only perfect one! And we human beings are totally and definitely imperfect. But, with this I do not mean to say that we cannot have an image of excellence.

On the contrary, working for excellence is attainable. Excellence is doing the best we can and pursuing doing more than we achieved before.

Source: Pinterest


Perfection only lead to:

Anxiety, depression, doubt, eating disorders or obsessive overthinking.

Source: Pixabay


A perfectionist:

Almost never feel proud or satisfied with the job they did, it is "never good enough".

If you are pursuing perfection, but always end up feeling bad about yourself, follow these three steps:

1- Cut your negative line of thought

2- Focus on making your best effort towards a goal

3- Look for excellence, not perfection

Source: Pinterest



What do you think of the looking good or obsessing about looking perfect?

Please leave your comments below.



If you still can not find the style to improve your look,
if there is no fashion that can lift your self esteem;
then changing your image is not enough...
you need a change in your soul.

Enter here and get that change today!

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