How to dress to work from home

Celebrating God’s beauty through fashion and style

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"We are all going through an unprecedented and stressful time in history, If people are not willing to dress up for the cyber world as they would in the office, that is completely understandable", said Rheeda Walker, professor of psychology at the University of Houston.

Dressing for work usually helps us prepare for the day, and establishing a new routine can inspire productivity.

Scientific research has shown that clothing has an impact on the mind. What you wear during isolation is important!

As I speak I will give you ideas of how to dress to work from home and look good for video calls!


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"Maintaining a routine helps us maintain a sense of control and a degree of normality at times when we feel a lack of control, leading to stress and even anxiety," said Carolyn Mair, author of "La fashion psychology. "

Research has found that "people feel more competent when they wear business clothes" said psychologist Cathleen Swody.

Some people think that it is not really necessary to dress well because nobody sees you. And if you have a videocall you simply do not activate the camera, but where does this affect? In your work!

How to dress to work from home? Choose comfortable garments such as: jeans, leggings, skirts and shirts or blouses, with comfortable shoes.

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There is something fundamental in your daily routine. It is a good practice to shower, put on makeup and get fully dressed before you sit down to work and tackle all your tasks.

You must be prepared for a surprise video conference and not waste time trying to fix yourself a few seconds before. This will give the impression that you are not very interested in the work you are doing or that you do not take it seriously.

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It is very likely that you are laughing at me right now, sitting there at your desk in your short pj's and your torn comfy shirt...

But dressing properly to work (even from home) shows respect and seriousness. If you want to be successful and climb to either a better position or a higher salary, you must show that you are worth it by putting your effort and professionalism every day.

I'm sure you know the phrase: 'One picture says more than a thousand words'. Let your image demonstrate that you are hard-working, responsible, honest and trustworthy.

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In the end, you can wear whatever you want when you work from home. However, you still send a message with your clothes.
My question is... are you sending the correct message?


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